Project Description
São Paulo és el principal centre financer, empresarial i comercial d’Amèrica del Sud, una metròpolis que mai para. Una ciutat bulliciosa que ofereix no sols diverses obres d’interès arquitectònic, sinó una àmplia varietat d’opcions d’entreteniment, gastronomia, cultura i art.
Des de l’arquitectura colonial, passant per fites de l’arquitectura moderna brasilera fins a les més recents obres contemporànies, São Paulo alberga un sense fi de projectes de canviats de nom arquitectes nacionals i internacionals, dels quals destaquem Oscar Niemeyer, Lina Bo Bardi, Vilanova Artigas, Paulo Mendes dona Rocha, Ruy Ohtake, entre molts altres.
Gaudeix dels nostres tours en São Paulo centrats en l’arquitectura i l’urbanisme, perfectes per als amants de l’arquitectura, experts i professionals però també per a grups i viatges d’estudiants. Conegui aquest teixit urbà, dens i variat amb Artchitectours.
Gaudeix amb Artchitectours visites guiades per tot el món, fetes per arquitectes-guies professionals que ens acompanyaran durant tot l’itinerari. Els nostres itineraris, tours personalitzats i visites guiades d’arquitectura i disseny estan meticulosament planejades per a adaptar-se a cada grup en particular, des de l’assignació de l’arquitecte-guia apropiat, fins a les parades de descans, el tipus de transport, i més.
Dear team:
The tour was excellent. Josei is very knowledgable and lots of fun to boot. His English is excellent. We hit it off immediately.
I learned a great deal from him about the history of modern architecture in Sao Paulo. The selection of buildings was excellent. My favorites were Bo Bardi’s SESC Pompeia and Casa do Vidro. Her Teatro Oficina was interesting, but the real story there is the acting company and its unusual approach to theatre.
The transport arrangements were fine. The car on Saturday was spacious and luxurious: it could have accommodated two more people if necessary. I enjoyed the subway which was itself part of the tour.
As I warned you, the program for Sunday was too full and we could not see everything on the list. As it was, the tour took over 5 hours, including a brief stop for lunch. However, I saw almost everything I really wanted to. And at least in the case of the Pinoteca, which we had to skip, I can easily return on my own some day.
Thanks for a great experience. I would recommend your company to anyone looking for an architecture tour and Josei to anyone interested in Sao Paulo. My only reservation would be cost: the fee is pretty high for one person but OK for a small group of 3-4.
I was serious about a possible trip to Barcelona and will contact you if I manage to find a way to get there.
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